/** * Create a 2D renderer inside a given DOM Element. * * @constructor * @extends X.renderer */var r = new X.renderer2D();
/** * The animation frame ID. * * @type {!number} * @protected */r._AnimationFrameID = $_ANIMATIONFRAMEID;
/** * The Canvas of this renderer. * * @type {?Element} * @public */r._canvas = $_CANVAS;
/** * The className of this class. * * @type {string} * @protected */r._classname = $_CLASSNAME;
/** * The configuration of this renderer. * * @enum {boolean} */r._config = $_CONFIG;
/** * The HTML container of this renderer, E.g. a. * * @type {!Element|HTMLBodyElement} * @protected */ r._container = $_CONTAINER;/** * The rendering context of this renderer. * * @type {?Object} * @protected */r._context = $_CONTEXT;/** * The buffer of the current slice index. * * @type {!number} * @protected */r._currentSlice = $_CURRENTSLICE;/** * The 'dirty' flag of this object. * * @type {boolean} * @protected */r._dirty = $_DIRTY;/** * A frame buffer for slice data. * * @type {?Element} * @protected */r._frameBuffer = $_FRAMEBUFFER;/** * The rendering context of the slice frame buffer. * * @type {?Object} * @protected */r._frameBufferContext = $_FRAMEBUFFERCONTEXT;/** * The height of this renderer. * * @type {!number} * @public */r._height = $_HEIGHT;/** * The uniqueId of this instance. Each class instance in XTK has a uniqueId. * * @type {number} * @protected */r._id = $_ID;/** * The interactor of this renderer. * * @type {?X.interactor} * @protected */r._interactor = $_INTERACTOR;/** * A frame buffer for label data. * * @type {?Element} * @protected */r._labelFrameBuffer = $_LABELFRAMEBUFFER;/** * The rendering context of the label frame buffer. * * @type {?Object} * @protected */r._labelFrameBufferContext = $_LABELFRAMEBUFFERCONTEXT;/** * The loader associated with this renderer. * * @type {?X.loader} * @protected */r._loader = $_LOADER;/** * A flag to show if the initial loading was completed. * * @type {boolean} * @protected */r._loadingCompleted = $_LOADINGCOMPLETED;/** * A locked flag for synchronizing. * * @type {boolean} * @protected */r._locked = $_LOCKED;/** * The buffer of the current lower threshold. * * @type {!number} * @protected */r._lowerThreshold = $_LOWERTHRESHOLD;/** * An X.array containing the displayable objects of this renderer. The object * reflects the rendering order for the associated objects. * * @type {!X.array} * @protected */r._objects = $_OBJECTS;/** * A flag to indicate that the onShowtime callback is about to be called. * * @type {boolean} * @protected */r._onShowtime = $_ONSHOWTIME;/** * The orientation of this renderer. * * @type {?string} * @protected */r._orientation = $_ORIENTATION;/** * The progressBar of this renderer. * * @type {?X.progressbar} * @protected */r._progressBar = $_PROGRESSBAR;/** * The current rotation factor. This is positive to rotate clockwise and * negative to rotate counter-clockwise. The factor is multiplied by 90 * degrees. * * @type {number} * @protected */r._rotation = $_ROTATION;/** * The current slice height. * * @type {number} * @protected */r._sliceHeight = $_SLICEHEIGHT;/** * The current slice height spacing. * * @type {number} * @protected */r._sliceHeightSpacing = $_SLICEHEIGHTSPACING;/** * The current slice width. * * @type {number} * @protected */r._sliceWidth = $_SLICEWIDTH;/** * The current slice width spacing. * * @type {number} * @protected */r._sliceWidthSpacing = $_SLICEWIDTHSPACING;/** * An array containing the topLevel objects (which do not have parents) of * this renderer. * * @type {!Array} * @protected */r._topLevelObjects = $_TOPLEVELOBJECTS;/** * The buffer of the current upper threshold. * * @type {!number} * @protected */r._upperThreshold = $_UPPERTHRESHOLD;/** * The width of this renderer. * * @type {!number} * @public */r._width = $_WIDTH;/** * The buffer of the current w/l high value. * * @type {!number} * @protected */r._windowHigh = $_WINDOWHIGH;/** * The buffer of the current w/l low value. * * @type {!number} * @protected */r._windowLow = $_WINDOWLOW;/** * Get the camera of this renderer. The camera is null until this renderer is * initialized. * * @return {?X.camera} The camera. */var _camera = r.camera;/** * Get the className of this object. * * @return {string} The className of this object. * @public */var _classname = r.classname;/** * Access the configuration of this renderer. Possible settings and there * default values are: * * * config.PROGRESSBAR_ENABLED: true * * * @return {Object} The configuration. */var _config = r.config;/** * Get the container of this renderer. * * @return {!Element|HTMLBodyElement} The container of this renderer. * @public */var _container = r.container;/** * Set the container for this renderer. This has to happen before * X.renderer.init() is called. * * @param {!string|Element|HTMLBodyElement} container Either an ID to a DOM * container or the DOM element itself. * @throws {Error} An error, if the given container is invalid. * @public */r.container = $CONTAINER;/** * Get the id of this instance. * * @return {string} The className of this object. * @public */var _id = r.id;/** * Get the interactor of this renderer. The interactor is null until this * renderer is initialized. * * @return {?X.interactor} The interactor. */var _interactor = r.interactor;/** * Check if the initial loading of all objects was completed. This value gets * set immediately after the onShowtime function is executed. * * @return {boolean} TRUE if all objects were completely loaded, FALSE else * wise. */var _loadingCompleted = r.loadingCompleted;/** * Get the orientation of this renderer. Valid orientations are 'x','y','z' or * null. * * @return {?string} The orientation of this renderer. */var _orientation = r.orientation;/** * Set the orientation for this renderer. Valid orientations are 'x','y' or 'z'. * * @param {!string} orientation The orientation for this renderer: 'x','y' or * 'z'. * @throws {Error} An error, if the given orientation was wrong. */r.orientation = $ORIENTATION;/** * Add a new object to this renderer. The renderer has to be initialized before * doing so. A X.renderer.render() call has to be initiated to display added * objects. * * @param {!X.object} object The object to add to this renderer. * @throws {Error} An exception if something goes wrong. */r.add($OBJECT);/** * Adjust the zoom (scale) to best fit the current slice. */r.autoScale_();/** * Destroy this renderer. * * @public */r.destroy();/** * Recursively loop through a hierarchy tree of objects and print it. * * @param {!X.object} object The starting point object. * @param {number} level The current level in the scene hierarchy. * @protected */r.generateTree_($OBJECT, $LEVEL);/** * Get the existing X.object with the given id. * * @param {!number} id The object's id. * @return {?X.object} The requested X.object or null if it was not found. * @throws {Error} If the given id was invalid. * @public */var get = r.get($ID);/** * Hides the loading progress bar. * * @protected */r.hideProgressBar_();/** * Create the canvas of this renderer inside the configured container and using * attributes like width, height etc. Then, initialize the rendering context and * attach all necessary objects (e.g. camera, shaders..). Finally, initialize * the event listeners. * * @param {string} _contextName The name of the context to create. * @throws {Error} An exception if there were problems during initialization. * @protected */r.init($_CONTEXTNAME);/** * The callback for X.event.events.HOVER events which indicate a hovering over * the viewport. * * @param {!X.event.HoverEvent} event The hover event pointing to the relevant * screen coordinates. * @throws {Error} An error if the given event is invalid. * @protected */r.onHover_($EVENT);/** * The callback for X.event.events.MODIFIED events which re-configures the * object for rendering. This does not trigger re-rendering. * * @param {!X.event.ModifiedEvent} event The modified event pointing to the * modified object. * @public */r.onModified($EVENT);/** * The callback for X.event.events.PROGRESS events which indicate progress * updates during loading. * * @param {!X.event.ProgressEvent} event The progress event holding the total * progress value. * @public */r.onProgress($EVENT);/** * Overload this function to execute code on each rendering call. * * @public */r.onRender();/** * @protected */r.onResize_();/** * Overload this function to execute code after scrolling has completed and just * before the next rendering call. * * @public */r.onScroll();/** * The callback for X.event.events.SCROLL events which indicate scrolling of the * viewport. * * @param {!X.event.ScrollEvent} event The scroll event indicating the scrolling * direction. * @throws {Error} An error if the given event is invalid. * @protected */r.onScroll_($EVENT);/** * Overload this function to execute code after all initial loading (files, * textures..) has completed and just before the first real rendering call. * * @public */r.onShowtime();/** * Overload this function to execute code after window/level adjustment has * completed and just before the next rendering call. * * @public */r.onWindowLevel();/** * Performs window/level adjustment for the currently loaded volume. * * @param {!X.event.WindowLevelEvent} event The window/level event from the * camera. */r.onWindowLevel_($EVENT);/** * Print the full hierarchy tree of objects. * * @public */r.printScene();/** * (Re-)render all associated displayable objects of this renderer. This method * clears the viewport and re-draws everything by looping through the tree of * objects. The current camera is used to setup the world space. * * @public */r.render();/** * Internal function to perform the actual rendering by looping through all * associated X.objects. * * @param {boolean} picking If TRUE, perform picking - if FALSE render to the * canvas viewport. * @param {?boolean=} invoked If TRUE, the render counts as invoked and f.e. * statistics are generated. * @throws {Error} If anything goes wrong. * @protected */r.render_($PICKING, $INVOKED);/** * Resets the view according to the global bounding box of all associated * objects, the configured camera position as well as its focus _and_ triggers * re-rendering. */r.resetViewAndRender();/** * Rotate the current view clock-wise. */r.rotate();/** * Rotate the current view counter clock-wise. */r.rotateCounter();/** * Shows the loading progress bar by modifying the DOM tree. * * @protected */r.showProgressBar_();/** * Configure a displayable object within this renderer. The object can be a * newly created one or an existing one. A X.renderer.render() call has to be * initiated to display the object. * * @param {!X.object} object The displayable object to setup within this * renderer. * @throws {Error} An exception if something goes wrong. * @protected */r.update_($OBJECT);